Fuji Instax Mini 12 Instant Camera Pink | INSTAXMINI12P
The Instax Mini 12 sports the same two-element lens as its predecessor and uses Instax Mini instant film (sold separately). The camera has a 0.37x “real image” viewfinder that the company says features new parallax correction when using the built-in close-up mode. The close-up mode locks the focus range from 11.8 to 19.7 inches (0.3 to 0.5 meters). The parallax correction aligns the camera’s viewfinder with the lens, minimizing object shift up close. The flash recycles in seven seconds or less; its range is 0.98 to 7.22 feet (0.3 to 2.2 meters). The Instax Mini 12 is powered by a pair of AA batteries. *Please Note Film Is Not Included