A step down voltage converter that enables a 110-120Vac device from the USA to be powered from a 220-240Vac UK mains outlet. The maximum output load is 100 Watts.
Power input lead is fitted with a standard British 3-pin plug.
The picture above shows the 110Vac US style 3-pin output socket. This can be used with the 2-pin flat bladed plugs shown or 3-pin plugs (2 flat pins and the round centre earth pin). The centre earth pin is wired to the earth pin on the UK plug.
Suitable for powering light duty electrical equipment such as small portable TVs, video players, incandescent lamps (100W max.), small pumps, battery chargers, etc. Equipment with an inductive load like motor driven appliances (electric drills, fridges, freezers, larger pumps), fluorescent lamps, energy bulbs, etc.) can have considerably higher start-up load currents than their rated value would indicate. Please ensure the peak load does not exceed the converters 100 Watt maximum capacity.
- Input voltage: 240Vac, 50Hz mains
- Output Voltage: 110Vac
- Maximum Load: 100 Watts, 100VA (~900mA) - please check this is sufficient!
- The earth pin in the output socket is physically wired to the earth pin in the UK plug
- Dimensions: 115 x 84 x 69mm
- For indoor use only